
文章〈愈懂藝術欣賞的人 愈有創新力〉


琴藝精湛的科學家 Deanna Choi 說明音樂為何比性、起士蛋糕對人有益,雖然都會使腦部釋放多巴胺 (dopamine)音樂除了有溝通、發揮創意的功能外,更有生理上的益處:

1) 學習音樂可增進大腦的可塑性 (以鋼琴、小提琴家的胼胝體較厚為例)
2) 合奏、合唱時釋放的催產素 (oxytocin) 增進人與人之間的信任感,促進團隊合作;
3) 由失智症的研究可知,音樂幫助 cognitive reserve,使記憶持久,有治療大腦的功效。在越來越長壽、有越多腦部疾病的時代,更突顯出音樂的重要性。
演奏樂器時會用到整個大腦,活化大腦的所有部位 - 視覺區、聽覺區、運動區、觸覺區,還有負責高階認知的腦區。同樣的現象在做其他活動時並不會發生,因為其他活動並不像演奏樂器需要整合這麼多能力,尤其是要用到細微動覺 (Fine motor skill)。因此演奏樂器是對大腦最好的全面性鍛鍊,訓練專注力、強化記憶力、激發創造力。
原 TED-Ed 影片網址:http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-playing-an-instrument-benefits-your-brain-anita-collins
MUZIK ONLINE 文章介紹:https://www.muzik-online.com/tw/article/focus/5fbeba46-e3ce-053a-ef73-bce6ae861311

文章 Science Proves Music Lessons Were the Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You
(quote)...The study found that kids who take music lessons "have better cognitive skills and school grades and are more conscientious, open and ambitious." And that's just the beginning....
1. It improved your reading and verbal skills.
2. It improved your mathematical and spatial-temporal reasoning.
3. It helped your grades.
4. It raised your IQ.
5. It helped you learn languages more quickly.
6. It made you a better listener, which will help a lot when you're older.
7. It will slow the effects of aging.
8. It strengthened your motor cortex.
9. It improved your working memory.
10. It improved your long-term memory for visual stimuli.
11. It made you better at managing anxiety.
12. It enhanced your self-confidence and self-esteem.
13. It made you more creative.